Brisighella e i Calanchi

Only 20 km by car from Sacramora 12 and easily accessible, Brisighella is considered one the most beautiful medieval towns in Italy. It is llocated at the heart of the Regional Park of the Vena del Gesso in the centre of the Appennino mountains between Florence and Ravenna.

In the historical centre one must visit the Ancient Street of the Town also known as the “Donkeys’ Alley”, a twelth century covered high-perched alley lit by half arches of different width that served as a defense for the medieval borgo within. The Parish Church of San Giovanni in Ottavo also called Pieve del Thò was built around the fifth century and then rebuilt in a largest version between the eleventh and the twelfth century. In the background, the three hills – the Fortress, the Clock Tower and the Monticino Sanctuary – are the landmarks that make Brisighella famous. Here is also a very important natural attraction: the Calanchi of Vena del Gesso, a white clay geological formation popularly known as “chalk” which was modelled throughout the centuries by erosion from water and wind that created unique landscapes of gullies canyons and astonishing rock formations.
